Monday, June 2, 2014

Here comes the Bride...not!

It's been a while since I have written a blog post. Honestly, blogging takes too much work and I get lazy. However, as I was sitting in church last night the urge to blog hit me. Why? Because I have a story to share. 

This is a true story. It is my story. 

You may not believe it, but a little over 6 months ago I was planning to get married. Actually, the date I had in mind was this coming Saturday! Crazy, huh? And no, this is not a joke. 

To ease your mind of curiousness, I am not getting married this weekend, or anytime soon for that matter. 

So, here is how the story goes. 10 years ago I met this guy from another state while my mom was working over there. My family and I attended his church for about a year. He and I always had some kind of connection, but we were always just friends. We had an interesting friendship over the years.  Fast forward to 2013, he came to visit me and that is when things got serious and complicated. 

Why complicated? Well, he came from a church that had different standards than mine. Frankly, our standards and views were very opposite, and although we both knew this we still continued our romance. 

I completely fell in love with our "fairytale" story. I was charmed by a very good looking guy who played the piano very well. For the most part of 2013 I kept falling deeper and deeper for this guy despite the fact I knew this was a bad idea. And when he came to visit me last September all my better judgment went out the door. Things got serious quickly and wedding plans were in the works. I had fallen in love and it was a done deal. I was going to marry the love of my life and start a new life in a new place. 

My new life was all planned out and I was getting excited to be a wife. However, God had other plans. Just a week before I was to visit him for Thanksgiving, my Pastor and I had a heart to heart. He looked at me and told me to end my relationship because after 3 weeks of praying he didn't feel that it was right. I cried. Wept. My heart broke into pieces. I was in so much pain, but I knew what I needed to do. I ended things and it was one of the hardest things I had to do. I had so much invested in him and I really wanted to marry him. 

Fast forward to 2014, my heart is almost 100% healed. Do I miss him? Yes. Do I regret obeying the man of God? No. I do not see everything right now, but I know God saved me. He loves me enough to intervene and I am thankful for that. 

I don't know who will read this or if it will help someone else, but I had to write complete my healing process. I am not proud of this journey, I really should have known better. But life is all about learning and growing, and I surely did learn and grow! 

I just turned 28. I do not know when I will be married, or if I ever will. But I do know God has my life in His hands and He knows best. I have to trust Him completely. I am working on that. 

Proverbs 3: 5-6

Happy Monday!