So, this marks my first official rambling blog post. I thought hard about it. I wanted something spectacular, exciting and memoroable. But nothing amazingly wonderful came to mind.
Since this is where I can ramble on about whatever is on my mind, I am going to share something that has been on my heart...something that I truly believe God has been using to shape me into a better person.
For the past couple of weeks the topic of forgiveness has been preached on. No least the past 3 or 4 services the preacher has commented on the importance of forgiving. During these messages I sat there scribbling down in my notebook the noteworthy comments these preachers made, while my heart was being tugged at. Yanked!
I am one of those people who hurt deeply. I mean deeeeeeeeeeply! I get my feathers ruffled to the tenth degree! This is not something I am not proud of really, but like I said God's working on me. Being this type of person my mentality has been " why should I forgive someone who wronged me so badly?" or " they don't deserve my forgiveness."
Ever been guilty of that way of thinking?
These preachers emphaized the importace of forgiving and having a forgiving heart. Really, God expects it of us. My Pastor said it best last Sunday night when he said that people choose not to forgive or show forgiveness because they want to hold on to the hurt. It is as if we want to feel entitled to hold a grudge. Once again my heart felt the tugging and yanking. I hear you Jesus! I really do. But I think God wanted to make sure I really heard him, because on Wednesday night Bro. Thomas from San Jose touched on forgivess too. He talked about having the Mind of Christ and when we do forgiveness comes easily and so does forgetting. One more tugged at the heart.
My heart's desire is to be pleasing in God's eyes and to have a heart like His. So, thank you God for working on me (as painful as it can be) and for showing me what I need to change in order to be pleasing to you.

This speaks volumes! How true is that?!

In short, forgive and forgive earneslty. Avoid falling into the pit of hatred and bitterness that only makes a bigger mess of everything (sadly, I have been there). And more importantly avoid being displeasing to God.
Many people say, "just let it go!", which is easier said then done in most cases, but really...let it go!
I speak to myself here. Forgiveness is hard, but I refuse to be held captive by it.
It is just no fun.
Free yourself!
Awe. Nice first "ramble" :)
ReplyDeleteAccepting our faults is the first step to changing them.
That was a very useful, extremely wise rambling! Wow, so true. Sometimes I forget about those other reasons we should FORGIVE, besides doing it just because the Bible says so. Which of course is reason enough, BUT there's those reasons behind the "reasoning", know what I mean? Okay, now I'M rambling. LOL.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Carisa!